The full report, orders for each agency, and additional background on IRRC’s review of existing regulations can be found here:

Regulation #18-431: Roadside Rest Areas

Amends existing regulations to delineate permissible and impermissible activities and conditions at Roadside Rest Areas or Welcome Centers.

Regulation Details
IRRC Number 2960 Proposed Regulation Received July 17, 2012
Agency Name Department of Transportation PA Bulletin Publish Date July 28, 2012
Regulation Status Final-Form Close of Public Comment August 27, 2012
PA Code 67 Pa. Code Chapter 443 Final Due By August 27, 2014
Analysts Assigned James M. Smith  (JMS)
Fiona E. Wilmarth  (FEW)
IRRC Comments Due September 26, 2012
Final-Form Regulation Received July 16, 2014
Public Meeting Date September 04, 2014
Published as Final October 25, 2014
Actions Taken
IRRC Approval September 04, 2014
House Committee Deems Regulation Approved September 03, 2014
Senate Committee Deems Regulation Approved September 03, 2014

  • Proposed Regulation
  • Final Regulation
  • Related Documents

Public Comments on Proposed Regulation

There are currently no public comments on the proposed regulation.


Legislative Comments (on the Proposed and Final Regulation)

There are currently no legislative comments on the proposed or final regulation.


IRRC Comments on Proposed Regulation

September 26, 2012

Public Comments on Final Regulation

There are currently no public comments on the final regulation.


Legislative Comments (on the Proposed and Final Regulation)

There are currently no legislative comments on the proposed or final regulation.


IRRC Order(s)

APPROVAL September 4, 2014

In addition to comments, IRRC occasionally receives other correspondence and written materials from state agencies and the legislature regarding pending regulations. These documents can be found on this portion of our website.

There are currently no related documents.